What To Do When A Thief Breaks Your Car Window

Coming back to your car, only to find the window busted out, is many people's nightmare. But if this ever happens to you, here are the steps to take to reduce your chances of further damage.

Take Note of the Scene

Before you move anything, take careful note of the scene. Record anything that was stolen or moved within your vehicle. If there were any items left behind, this is something to note also. Any details that you can provide will be helpful to report in your police report later on.

Leave the Glass As Is

You might be tempted to clean up the glass; driving in a car with broken glass can be disturbing. However, for the greatest safety, take your car into an auto glass repair center as soon as possible instead. Better yet, have mobile glass repair technicians come to your location and advise you on the best options for fixing your windows. Glass repair technicians will usually have a heavy-duty vacuum that they can use to quickly and safely remove glass shards from your interiors. This service is included in the price of many auto glass repairs.

Get Quotes from Auto Glass Companies

When you call the auto glass company, they will need to know your car's year, make, and model in order to give you a quote on fixing the glass. This is because they often order the glass so that it's a custom fit for your type of car. As you get quotes, you may want to check on the type of glass being used. You might not be getting glass directly from the manufacturer of your vehicle, so you could do some research to determine the quality and tint of the glass. You can also check to see if the glass will have any kind of markings on it; some glass will have a logo from the manufacturer, which can be distracting as a driver. Also, if your other windows are tinted, you might want to get the cost of window tinting included in your quote so that your new window matches all of the others.

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Check to see if your auto insurance company will cover the costs of glass repair. If you have comprehensive insurance, your insurer might pay for the new window. This is a good deal if you have comprehensive insurance that includes a $0 deductible glass replacement caveat; otherwise, your new window might be below the threshold of your comprehensive insurance deductible.

For more information, contact a company like Glass On Wheels.
